When I finally began coming out to people, I experienced a profound sense of relief. I knew who I was but I did not know how to operationalize my identity – how to exist as a bisexual person in this world. Labels should not be boxes into which we feel we much squeeze ourselves, but rather tools with which to communicate and begin conversations.įor five very long years I was trapped in the space between knowing and being. There’s no shame in living with uncertainty, or in changing your label(s) as new information comes in.”
We travel through life becoming and discovering ourselves. Labels should not be boxes into which we feel we must squeeze ourselves, but rather tools with which to communicate and to begin conversations. I am witness to the increasingly complex and diverse ways in which people come to understand and identify their sexualities. “For me, the bi in bisexual refers to the potential for attraction to people with genders similar to and different from my own. I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge that I have in myself the potential to be attracted – romantically and/or sexually – to people of more than one gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.”